James Brown III, a murdering coward

This past Thursday, Chad Dermeyer,a Richmond State Trooper, was murdered at the Richmond Greyhound bus station by a 34 year old black coward ‘who hated cops’. James Brown III of Aurora, IL. is described by a relative as an ex-con who ‘always liked the criminal side.’
‘He had a lot of anger about the police in the past,’ said the coward’s aunt, Edith Brown, in an interview with CBS 6 Friday. ‘He pretty much thought he wanted to be infamous… in terms of having a showdown. He always praised those people who got into shootouts with police,’ the aunt said. ‘He said he would never go back to prison again,’ Brown said of her coward nephew, who was also killed in Thursday’s gunfight at the Greyhound bus station.
Court records obtained by CBS 6 showed Brown had been charged with murder, intent to kill, aggravated battery with a firearm, failure to obey police, resisting a corrections officer, aggravated battery of a pregnant woman, aggravated battery of an unborn child, numerous drug charges, intimidation, domestic battery, felony possession of a weapon, among many driving charges, the station reported.
It is unclear whether or not Brown was convicted of any of the above charges. (Thank you to Daily for posting the above story.)

Trooper Dermyer and wife
Chad Dermeyer, a husband and father; a former Marine; and a victim of the race-baiters and cop haters in our society – and our complicit, and divisive Government.

Teachers being violently assaulted – by third graders; helpless seniors in nursing homes abused by “caregivers” (and that abuse bragged about on social media); innocent young girls and women routinely abducted, tortured, raped, and horribly murdered; police being targeted for assassination for being police; home invasions where women as old as 80 and 90, are brutally attacked – and yes, RAPED by men in their twenties and thirties, and our President suggests restricting legal gun ownership as a solution. This is the nation we have become.
A disproportionate percentage of above incidents are committed by cowards from the black community. This behavior has become all too common during the rule of, and basically ignored by, the current Deceiver-in-Chief. Obama and his cohorts promised to bring us together as a nation; instead he has done more to divide us, and to weaken our sovereignty, than any President in our history.

By ignoring irresponsible behavior by so many for so long, we have effectively infantilized an entire segment of our population. The Conpanderer –in – Chief laments the disparity in numbers of black to white inmates in our jails and prisons, vowing to use his “Executive Power” to remedy this disproportionality before he leaves office; yet he refuses to address the underlying reasons for this “disparity” – the breakdown of the black family, and a total lack of accountability in the black community. Recently, a black councilman in Jackson, MS, urged the citizens to throw rocks, bricks and bottles at any police who chase criminals into their neighborhoods:  “What I suggest is we get the black leadership together, and as these jurisdictions come into Jackson we throw rocks and bricks and bottles at them. That will send a message we don’t want you in here,” he says.  The Councilman, Kenneth Stokes justified this incendiary appeal with an equally moronic statement when he told reporters: “Police from surrounding cities put Jackson children in danger when they chase people on neighborhood streets.” He says he’d like black leadership to team up and use force. This idiotic moron is a perfect representation of the community that he represents; a community which in addition to its refusal to accept responsibility for its criminal behavior, refuses to take advantage of the opportunity to succeed in life; an opportunity unlike that offered to them by any other nation in the world. Some groups succeed all the time, everywhere; some have never succeeded anywhere. Blacks are the oldest race so they should be the most advanced; but they have never been successful anywhere – as much as here in our racist U.S.A.

US-resident Blacks have higher intelligence than African Blacks due to the approximately 28% average White admixture; yet they persistently vilify the very culture that has made that success possible. No species on earth is guaranteed equal success – it is earned; yet too many in the black community have been taught that they are “entitled” to success, in spite of their mental, emotional, or moral inability to achieve that success.

There are just two kinds of people that continue to support this corrupt and incompetent administration – Fools and Scoundrels!