America Under Attack

America is under attack, from without and within.  Evil and powerful groups and individuals are using every available tool to infiltrate, indoctrinate, and delegate acts of terrorism against innocent Americans.

The Divider-in-Chief, who occupies our beloved White House, has succeeded in hijacking the education system and the MSM, and converting them to propaganda tools used to promote his divisive and destructive ideological agenda. Our government elites have been complicit in this usurpation of authority, and have successfully ‘dumbed down’ a large segment of the population to such a degree, that behavior once considered unthinkable, has now become common place – even celebrated. The consequence of this abdication of logic and morality is the total breakdown of traditional American society. Civility has all but been erased from our culture; replaced by some bizarre interpretation of what humanity should look like.

Today we are allowing foreigners who do not share our values, to come into our country and exploit our generosity while refusing to embrace our culture. We have allowed a segment of our own population (one whose main contribution is creating crime, poverty, violence and destruction in every inner-city) to celebrate and spread their cretinism like a virus; but, it doesn’t seem to matter to the empty headed sheep who are being led to their slaughter – they voted for “hope and change”- and change they got!

The reaction to the out-of-control violence in many of our cities, has not been to demand responsibility and accountability from its residents; but instead, the race baiters in and out of government have threatened and intimidated law enforcement to the point where they have been FORCED to abdicate their proactive response in high crime areas. In some cities today, the utter lunacy being demonstrated by cowards, panderers, and white-guilt policymakers in government, has led to them actually  paying young thug and gangster ‘wannabe’s’ as much as $9000.00 a year to refrain from committing crimes!

Recently our esteemed leader spent an afternoon at a Muslim Mosque in Baltimore that has ties to radical Islamists.  He took this opportunity to praise the Muslim religion and to describe it as one of peace.  If these savages are basically peaceful; then why does this incompetent and anti-American administration feel it necessary to pay $300,000 to Somali immigrants in Minnesota to deter them from becoming ‘radicalized’? Meanwhile, thousands of Christians and others are being murdered in the name of this “religion of peace”.  This should come as no surprise to those who know that Obama has hosted the Muslim Brotherhood in our very White House.

This campaign season has been the most despicable in my lifetime. The left is literally inciting the ignorant and violence prone segment of our society to view any conservative as fair game for assault – verbal, and yes even physical.  The Democrat candidates and their supporters compare Donald Trump and his followers to Nazis and the Ku Klux Klan; then they blame these Patriotic Americans for the violence that follows.  Isn’t it time that we actually charged these people with the crime of “inciting violence?”

Europe is heading into an abyss; into a nightmare scenario, being led by traitorous politicians intent on destroying thousands of years of history and culture. Don’t allow the U.S. to be dragged down with them. For your children and their children’s sake, vote for a true conservative this coming election.